Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Moving to Linux knowledge

Have you ever heard of Linux?

Know what Linux is?

What it does for your computer?


If you are interested in Linux or move to Linux, I have some help for you.

I have been listening to different Linux podcasts and they can help you with your Linux problem. Such as which Distro is best for me? Well, that is a preference that you have to make, but you don't know enough to make that choice? That is where the podcasts make a difference.

Linux Reality,
Going Linux,
TLLTS - The Learning Linux Tech Show
Linux Install, (thelip) and

These podcasts give the new user a wealth of information. How to do different things. How to get Linux working, how to keep Linux working, how to enjoy Linux.

Example: I want to install a Linux Distro on my computer and don't really know what I am doing?
Thelip will help you. They install a Linux distro every month, and the following weeks they install programs, tweak the distro and you are there as they do it. If you don't like that distro wait until next month.

Want to get info for a certain aspect of Linux? Going Linux and Linux Reality will help you there. They help at a newbie level and in most cases move to a more advanced level.

If you want to learn UNIX which is what Linux is created from. Try BSDTalk. Not all Linux will work with Unix and not all Unix will work with Linux. This is where BSDTalk helps.

If you are interested in checking out Linux or moving to Linux listen to these podcasts. You might find a lot more than just moving to Linux.

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